Tomorrow, California’s voting on whether or not to recall Governor Newsom. It’s a stupid election and waste of everyone’s time and money, so I have no doubt that you’ll all make the right choice. And even if you hate Newsom, please just wait one (1) year when his term’s up and a competent person has a chance to replace him and not one of the dingleberry frontrunners that the Republican party is running.
If you need some refreshers, here’s an election guide to all the clowns running in tomorrow’s election, and here’s my experience spending a soul-crushing afternoon at the Recall California HQ.
Thank you.
<3 Ryan
Three older people verrry slowly ambled up to our side gate in NP on Sat morning with paper door hangers from Recall California. One guy looked like Brent Spiner's scientist character from Independence Day (but add 50 lbs) and had a green parrot on his shoulder. So those were Carl's shock troops.